Secure your spot in Unwavering before doors close October 18th and get access to: 


October only bonus: *PRIVATE* Sought After Session where Taylor will create a custom strategy and messaging WITH you to set you up to hit even your biggest goals for the end of 2024 and 2025 

Plus coming up in quarter 4... 

Our next Coaching DAY November 12th with 6 hours of training + coaching with Taylor to create your biggest months of the year (guaranteed hot seat time)
Live Round: Normalizing Millions 30 Day Program Running All of November
Live Round: Transparent Sales my high ticket sales program helping you raise your rates + sell out high ticket with out pushy sales strategies plus priority access to live coaching on 2 feedback focused bonus workshops 
Live Round: Next Level New Year Including our live 2025 bonus workshop

And because we know you loved the in person experience... 

 Normalizing Millions Live 2025 VIP Ticket











  • 24 live mentorship calls with Taylor 
  • 24 weeks in Telegram with Taylor 
  • Quarterly coaching days with Taylor 
  • 12 months access to Million Dollar Lessons 
  • 12 months access to the entire offer suite + every new program I run or launch this year 
  • Community full of 6 + 7 and figure women 




Save $3,000 by paying in full. Everything you get on the monthly payment plan...


Custom 7 figure audit delivered via Telegram. You'll fill out my in-depth private client onboarding form (that tells me everything about your business). I'll give feedback on the strategy I'd put in place to hit your goals, changed I'd make to your offers to scale and shifts I'd make in your content to reach more people.


You can feel your potential begging to burst out of you.

It's become obvious to you are not like most people.

You've seen the magic and power of being tapped into your genius, your magic, your truth and how magnetic it is for people around you. You know a huge key for you is staying here, undistracted, longer. Mmmm, more personal power.

You've come to realize building a business someone else's way is never going to work for you. Following a 10 step methodology for the perfect funnel to convert clients? Flops every time you've tried. And that's ok because your magic converts above any industry standard. It's time to lean alllllllll the way into that.

You're ALLLL about the money and not afraid who knows it. You love money. You want more money. And yet the idea of sacrificing space on your calendar, letting anyone and everyone into your energy, hyper-fixating on your funnel conversion rate daily, getting all up in someone's DMs to "get them" into your offers... you'd rather not make another cent.

You can't unsee the opportunity in front of you. You're a huge "if she can, I can" woman. There's no going back now that you see the potential of your complete dream life, millions rolling in all from helping others change their lives. 

It's not about a quick win for you. You're in this for the long haul. This isn't about a $100k month next month. Generational wealth isn't just about how many millions you leave in the bank but the floor you set for generations who come after you in how they get to operate with money and the world. It's about the ripple affect of your work and how when you really let yourself walk your talk and do the damn thing that ripple is bigger and wider than you can even see.  

For you it's about loving every single piece of your business. You want to love the offers you put out. You want to love the people you work with. You want to love the content you create. And you want to be mind blown by the money you make.

The Unwavering Woman® 12 month mentorship is for women ready to write the rest of their story.


This is where you become the Sought After coach in your space not because you've mastered authoritative content but because the way you model what's possible for your people makes you undeniably magnetic to your soulmate clients. 

This is where you step firmly into your standard and finally charge what you want to charge and accept nothing less in your spaces than total dream clients.

This is where you level up your offer suite to be what's actually going to change lives (and that you will love delivering every single piece), not what's an easy sell, but get to see how that level of alignment to what you're here to do is normalizing millions into your life like no strategy you've ever implemented has before. 

This is where you understand how to play with money so it's flowing in on the daily like magic. Gone with the heavy money mindset work and hello to allowing in more than ever before. 

This is where you let go of masculine strategies that bite you in the ass every time like pushy sales, templated funnels and fake urgency and step into people buying from you because you are the soulmate coach for them, sales get easier and client retention sky rockets.

This is where you finally have streamlined content and sales systems so you never waste another day "thinking of what to say", in the doom scroll trying to get inspired or posting and praying your offer sells and finally have a plug and play system to get fully booked on repeat in a way that doesn't lose your authentic voice/genius/magic or burn you out. 

This is where you become the most unwavering version of yourself for the next 12 months, become the most empowered and embodied version of yourself and completely transform as a business woman. 

My journey hasn't looked like most people's because I don't show up like most people.


Even after selling a $3k package felt like pulling teeth, I was willing to trust my desire and charge $10,000.

 Even when all of my high ticket sales were coming from sales calls I was willing to completely stop doing them so my business could look how I wanted it too.

In any income dip I've had in my business (cause let's face it: they happen to anyone in business) I've simply thought "this is going to make a great story" because I know I am here to lead by example and grow both as a woman and financially. 

Any time someone has tried to tear me down I've raised my rates, my standards and my goals and carried on.

It's not shocking my first year of coaching was $179,000 cash.

It's not shocking my second was over $400,000.

It's not shocking I made over $1M cash my first daughters first year of life.

It's not shocking you're reading this page, remembering who you really are and feeling the pull to say YES to your most unwavering year yet.

You're ready to experience a different kind of mentorship and community.

I'm ready to guide you on the journey of a lifetime. 


Meet some of our mastermind ladies:
Traci Cumbie

How she used Unwavering to go from $3k months to a  $28,000 month

Minerva Maharajh

From $3-4k months to $13k+ month

Tenae Stewart

Record breaking months on repeat (nothing under $10k in 11 months!)

Meet some of our mastermind ladies:
Traci Cumbie

How she used Unwavering to go from $3k months to a  $28,000 month

Minerva Maharajh

From $3-4k months to $13k+ month

Tenae Stewart

Record breaking months on repeat (nothing under $10k in 11 months!)

It was time to create the space for embodied, empowered leaders who know the key to their biggest year yet is to be their biggest self yet. This space is your anchor to your truth, to what really matters and to what is possible for you.
Let's be real - you're not interested in the typical mastermind.

→ They're client led. On paper it sounds great! "Ask me anything!" But you're spending hours on calls taking in information that is NOT going to make you any extra money.  You're the client who wants to get straight to what matters and be told what it really takes to buld the success and be the kind of business owner you say you want to be. 

They guide you through a very step by step process where you fit yourself into templates and are taught to do everything right in order to get the result. Your personality is lost, the innovation that actually takes businesses to the top is non-existant and by the time you've implemented everything the trending strategies have been overdone and no longer work.

→ They are marketed to "high level" women but are full of people making no money with no business mindset. You become an unpaid co-coach and can't sit through a call without nearly falling asleep.You want to leave calls feeling energized, alive and like a fire has been lit under you.You know the value of paying for activation, for truth and for the energy of your next level.

→ They are too "feminine energy", flow and ease. There is nothing tangible. Airy fairy affirmations, a bunch of talk about not wanting to work and nothing to shift or implement.You are in your receptive era - let's look at *everything* money and business in a new way aaaand let's make our actions match the inner shifts (we both know that's when the big bucks are made!) 

I'm breaking every rule I was taught about masterminds so you can finally have mentorship designed to get you results...

 → I am leading you. Before every call we give 24 hours for you to submit your biggest questions. Then I turn that into a customized mentorship training sharing what you should be asking, focusing on, thinking about and doing to actually hit your goals. My job is to tell you the truth about what will get you results.

 → I teach you the "why" behind why strategies work and then give you access points (like hot seats on calls and our monthly telegram thread) to innovate with you unique and genius strategies that align to your unique success strategy (don't worry, I'll help you find yours out so you know exactly how to make money like magic in your business). Doing it someone else's way will *never* work long term and you know that.

 → We only have million dollar conversations. I hold a high standard around the conversations in this space. You're paying me to get a transformation - we're not wasting our time on anything that doesn't matter or is slowing you down.

  → I focus on tangible action steps in every conversation. I love identity work and energetics. You and I both know tha's the REAL work. And? Energetic work is only effective when something tangible is done or changed. Whether we're talking audience growth, content, launches, offers, identity, mindset or energy you will always know what to do to implement. 

  → I don't just talk about why you need to invest. I guide you every step of the way inside my offers on how to get a 10x ROI. 

If we're being really honest you have zero desire to be in another program that tell you that you MUST follow their exact strategy to be successful.


You feel bored, disconnected and drained being in most mastermind groups. That’s because most are full of women giving their power away. When in reality we are designed to create life. 

Sure, it would be “easier” to just plug your copy into someone’s funnel template and have a “sales machine” but in reality as soon as you start to use someone else’s way money halts, you feel off and you know it’s because you are here to create something new and to do things your way.

You've been literally asking the Universe for a mentor who aligns with you and who can coach you beyond “here’s exactly what I do and what you need to do it too”.

You’re done paying top dollar for spaces that feel useless as soon as you start trusting your intuition, getting creative or *gasp* even disagree with pieces your coach teaches (you doing things differently is *very* welcome here).

You don’t want a post framework, you want a mentor who can channel your greatness into content ideas, sales copy and programs and makes you feel like a total badass everytime you talk to you (as you should, Queen).

You don’t want a template launch strategy or funnel to “swipe”, you want a sisterhood who gets just as excited as your goals and people experiencing your work as you and who play with you in coming up with creative, fresh ways for you to fill your offerings.

But you also don’t want to be a in a space that’s just woo woo, feminine, don’t lift a finger. You understand strategy. It’s not about having the exact right sections on your sales page but it is about building a business that helps people make confident buying decisions. 

You've been searching for the mentor who can give you straightforward strategy without squeezing you into a box you don't fit in and who's ECSTATIC about diving deeper with you to uncover YOUR unique way on everything from messaging to offer structure to sales methods to pricing.

You feel the pull to get into a space that’s going to make you uncomfortable. You’re the client who wants to be called out, you want the tough love and you want to be challenged to go much deeper.

You want to say yes to something that changes your entire being from here on out.


You feel a massive transformation coming through. That in a year from now: you are meant to be unrecognizable and so is your way of thinking, bank account and business.

A higher level of understanding that this whole “making millions” thing is a lot more about becoming a leader, innovating and using your truth as your magnetism than it is about proven strategies.

The Unwavering Woman® is a movement.

Once you say yes, you will never be the same.

The way you will see me interact with the women in this group is the opposite of any other mentorship you’ve been apart of.

I am not handing you my power when I answer your question.

I am handing you yours.

I will show you million dollar messaging. But it won’t be in a fill in the blank template. It will be riffing back to you the greatness I see in you, the pieces of your story you need to be highlighting and the results I see you sweeping under the rug.

I will show you the energetics that need to shift. But it won’t be in a journal prompt or an uncomfortably long meditation. You might be a little surprised when I channel that exact thing you went through in childhood that is creating the pattern you’re stuck in. And you’ll be very surprised that being seen in that and how many others can relate is instantly healing.

I’ll show you how to take your business to the $20-50k+ cash months you are so ready to stabilize. But it’s not by telling you why you need programs like me. It will be in mirroring to you the energy behind what you’re doing, what I can see you need to release in your business, what you need to give more energy, and what you have probably been avoiding doing.

An entire year together…

2x monthly mentorship calls

Customized mentorship trainings every other week to keep your clear and focused on exactly what will take you to your next level. Submit your qs, hear from others what's actually working right now, get my guidance on what you actually should be asking and doing and snag a hot seat spot for some deep dive coaching.

$21,000 value

(compared to $1800/m higher level mastermind with hot seat calls)

Quarterly Million Dollar Coaching Days

6 hour days where we're going deep into it alllll. Your offer suite, your messaging, the million dollar moves it's time for you to make, the energetics of BEING the one who makes that kind of money. I'll be guiding you through a transformative experience like no other and inviting you in to hop on for coaching.

$15,000 value 

(compared $600/hr group coaching rate experience not available anywhere else)

Week long telegram chat every month

One week per month you can submit any question for me and I'll create you a micro audio training in return. 

$15,000 value

(compared to my $5,000/m Telegram miniminds)

Access to our Facebook community

Our group is filled with dozens of 6-7 figure earners who’ve been transforming lives with their skillset for 10-20+ years. There is no better space to turn to when it comes to being reminded who you are, celebrate your wins and to lean in for support.

Priceless, of course 😉
A year in my Telegram membership

Get multiple audio drops per week inside The Million Dollar Lessons Membership that share the exact actions I am taking to create $50-100k months. Plug in on the go to always stay inspired around hitting your goals, creating content and filling your offers. 

$2,997 value

(when purchased separately)

The Offer Suite

Get a year access to every course and workshop in my offer suite plus any new offers + workshops I create during our year together. 

$18,000+ value

(when purchased separately)

Over $72,000 in value for the YEAR.
1/5th of the price…..



  • 24 live mentorship calls with Taylor 
  • 24 weeks in Telegram with Taylor 
  • Quarterly coaching days with Taylor 
  • 12 months access to Million Dollar Lessons 
  • 12 months access to the entire offer suite + every new program I run or launch this year 
  • Community full of 6 + 7 and figure women 




Save $3,000 by paying in full. Everything you get on the monthly payment plan...


Custom 7 figure audit delivered via Telegram. You'll fill out my in-depth private client onboarding form (that tells me everything about your business). I'll give feedback on the strategy I'd put in place to hit your goals, changed I'd make to your offers to scale and shifts I'd make in your content to reach more people.


More on the mastermind experience:
Mia Kercher
Sara Mac
Megan Taylor
More about the mastermind experience:
Sara Mac
Plus You Get Access To My Entire Offer Suite, Each Offer Unlocking A Piece Of The Puzzle To Normalize Millions In Your Life + Biz... 
Transparent Sales

The sales process I use to sign ready to buy dream clients without ever needing to overcome objections or use pushy sales strategies) 

$1800 separately

Sought After

(Every piece of my 7 figure content system documented - including examples and styles of high performing content) 

$1800 separately

Multiple 6 Figure Mastermind Launch Workshop

the step by step breakdown of my $200k+ mastermind launch

$222 separately

Make Money Like Magic

(All of my energetic hacks to making money with more ease and faster)

$1800 separately

Offers That Sell Out

(Workshop that breaks down how I went from no one buying post my maternity leave to filling a mastermind in 48 hours)

$222 separately

Overflow of Money Templates

(The exact money tracking docs and the way I used them to pay off debt, build my networth to over a million and multi 6 figures cash available at all times)

$97 separately

Million Dollar Woman

(The workshop I recorded the month after I crossed my first $1M in 12 months to breakdown *HOW* I did it)

$77 separately 

Uplevel Your Launch

(Every email, ad, post, strategy that went into my first 6 figure course launch - 102 $1,000 sales in 3 weeks)

$1800 separately

Unleash Your 6 Figure Badass

(Everything you need, nothing you don’t to cross your first 6 figure year)

$350 separately


(My go to energetic hacks to creating more than enough money every single month, save within months for a million dollar home and still have multi 6 figures in savings)

$1800 separately

Energetic Reset

(My 3 module program to take you from feeling stuck and confused to clear and ready for your quantum leap)

$333 separately 

All The Buyers Masterclass

(A must have class that shows you how to bring in new kinds of strategies and content to speak to different buyer types and 4x your sales without building your audience)

$22 separately

Best Launch Ever Bundle

(My best trainings from my 5 figure masterminds that break down record breaking months and launches)

$47 separately

Expansion Unlocked

(The 3 modules I recorded to document the inner work I did to have my first $50k cash month)

$333 separately

Fully Booked On Repeat

(My newest offer that breaks down every launch phase, content style and strategy I use to fill my 1:1 and masterminds over and over)

$1800 separately (brand new 2024 content)

Next Level Year

(My signature offer suite strategy and year planning method I've used to create $400K-$1M years on repeat) 

$1800 separately (brand new 2024 content)

Normalizing Millions

(My on the go audio program that shares all of my money mindset and manifestation "hacks" that I use to bring in more money and sales throughout the month)

$1800 separately