January Millionmind

 The group will run from January 2nd to February 10th.

You're desiring high level mentorship to align you to your best year ever. You're ready for $50k-$100k months in 2023. 

You want to know:

What do I need to shift in my biz to create those numbers? (Offers? Prices? Strategy? Energetics?) We can look at your biz together, find your gap + fix it.

How do I show up as that million dollar mentor and create that level of revenue (social strategy, messaging, positioning) - let's go back and forth on taking yours to the next level

You know you need to get into a space where conversations about creating these numbers is NORMALIZED. 

You get:

- 6 weeks daily Voxer support with Taylor (whatever you ask, will be answered + Taylor drops wisdom into the space daily) 

- 3 group coaching sessions with me to dive deeper into your business, launches, offers, mindset

- Access to my January program: Next Level New Year ($777 value) 

>> 1 month of 1:1 voxer with Taylor? $11k. Less than half for same level of access. and SIX weeks.

$5,000.00 USD

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