Ep 206: Tapping into your creative mission and purpose with Shereen Sun

I am so excited to share Shereen Sun with you and her story from artist painting murals to showing others how to awaken in your inner artist and live your creative life. 

In this weeks episode we really dive into making the transition of doing more of what feels in alignment for you and what that looks like while tuning out all the noise. Exploring the truth of your life and your business, not how to make life better but how to make it more YOU.

You'll hear about her journey to becoming an author, how she shut down her mastermind to make a transition in her business to be more aligned and ways you can tap into your creative mission and purpose yourself. 

I hope this episode inspires you to realize that your life is your greatest masterpiece. 

If you enjoyed the episode, leave a review - it means the world to me + helps the show reach more people!

Connect with Taylor Instagram - @_thetaylorlee

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